Friday, October 14, 2011

The Songs We Sing

Regardless of what others might say, I feel like Iceland is a place full of music, though it comes in many forms. It comes in the humming of tunes in the workshops. It comes in the songs we dance to around the kitchen. It comes in the sound of the windows rattling against the wind.

This past week has been one filled with music. I'll share three different occasions with you here. The first is a piece that I played on the organ at the church here in Solheimar on Sunday. Also playing with me were my classmates Christina (on piano) and Tracy (on guitar). We accompanied the choir and soloist (who happens to be our Icelandic Language teacher and a great friend) to a song written for one of the home people who passed away about two weeks ago. It was a very moving experience and I'm glad I had the opportunity to be part of it. It's taking a long time to upload, so I'll post it later.

The second is of my friend and classmate Laura singing part of the National Anthem. We found a long tube (maybe for cables?) laying on the ground behind the soccer field here. We were thrilled to find out that talking down the tube made an incredible and spooky echoing sound. It is especially fun to yodel down said tube. Regardless, here's Laura.

Finally, I was able to grab a bit of this morning's "Morning Song" on video. Sorry I don't have a longer clip. Every morning at 9am, the church bells toll and we meet as a community in one of the open areas. We stand in a circle, hold hands, and say "Góðan daginn" (Good morning/ Good day). Then it's time for announcements (who's going where, what activities are being offered, the date, and of course: what's for lunch). To end out the morning meeting, we wing the "Morning Song". It took us all a few weeks to memorize it, but I've got it down pat now. It's really a beautiful hymn... singing about the glory of the sun and a new day, asking God to give us good work to do, and so on. Here you are...

We're off to a farm for Friday night and Saturday, where we'll be working on building/repairing a traditional Icelandic turf house (in addition to sleeping in one!). 

We're also about to start Week 7 of the 12-week semester! It's hard to believe we're already halfway done. I'm trying to make the most of it but also can't wait to get home and see everyone! Sending my love from the North Atlantic!

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