Monday, September 5, 2011

A Few Pictures...

Also, I should mention that the weather is lovely. It's nice to feel the 50s, a shiver at a cool breeze, and smell rain in the air. I would say that it feels similar to late October in WI.

Here are some pictures from my first 6 hours in Iceland!
Tracy looking excited in the Van!

View from van near airport


Double bedroom but only occupied by me

Bathroom with temperamental shower... it asks you what degree C you want the water and then comes out either +/- 20 degrees from that.

Dining room

Living room

View from living room


Fridge with all sorts of Scandinavian goodies. Definitely poured some yogurt on my cereal thinking it was milk ("mjulk" was on the carton). Turns out it was just yogurt, not curdled milk!

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