Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moving Planet

It's been more or less a typical week here back at Solheimar. Tuesday afternoon I spent time in the herb workshop making organic lip balm to be sold here and in Reykjavik! We had Icelandic language class and learned the confusing alphabet... We're also reading a saga in history class that gives a glimpse into what life was like in Iceland around the year 1000. It's amazing how well documented their history is! Other than that, we've been working on some sustainability projects for the community, eating a lot of good food, and having even more fun.

Oh! I also went to the grocery store with two classmates and my professor Hank on Wednesday. The store is called Kronan and is located in nearby Selfoss. It was a little intimidating to find the ingredients we needed when most things were listed in Icelandic or to figure out the price in Icelandic Krona (1 ISK equals a little less than one US cent). Nevertheless, we had fun running around the store and tried (and failed) to sneak some Nutella into the cart. Maybe next time.

Yesterday (Saturday) we all took part in the 350/Moving Planet initiative around the world. This organization is centered around global climate change and creating solutions to bring our parts-per-million of carbon back down to 350. The Moving Planet program is closely tied in with these goals and on Sept. 24, around the world, communities held events to demand solutions to the climate crisis and also to show that we don't need fossil fuels to get around all the time. Anyway, Solheimar had organized a 9k walk/run (about 6 miles) from nearby Minni-Borg to Solheimar for this Moving Planet day. It seemed a little funny to us that the plan was to drive people out to the start line and then they'd walk or run back. So, we walked out there at 8am yesterday, got there for the 10am start, then turned around and came right back!

 We met some more Icelandic horses along the way! 

 The general store from whence we turned around and went back to Solheimar

Most of the participants, including a running team from Selfoss

The walk was a bit tsunami-like on the way there, but it turned out to be sunny and refreshing breezy on the way back. All in all, I was quite proud to say I'd started my weekend with a 12-mile walk. There was chocolate milk, hot soup, and fresh bread to reward the participants upon return.
Speaking of food, last night was my night to cook (with my cooking partner, Lily). She and I created a beautiful place setting (see photo below) and a hearty and spicy Morrocan Tangine for dinner, served over quinoa. Yum! It was fun to be in the kitchen and make a meal for everyone. My friend Tracy and I even made vegan trail-mix cookies for dessert! A good end to a very good day.

 Complete with autumn leaf "bouquet" in the middle- it's a little hard to see

This week we have two class-days at Solheimar, then Wednesday through Saturday we're off to the Hekla Reforestation project near Mt. Hekla (a very active and ready-to-erupt volcano! Fun!). I'll likely repost next Sunday and catch you up on all those adventures.

One last note, today is my one-year anniversary with Lincoln! I'm wishing I could be with him today, but I know all this time apart makes us stronger. Anyway, if you read this, Lincoln: Happy Anniversary!

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