Thursday, September 1, 2011

My bags are [nearly] packed ... I'm ready to go!

Here I am, already on the eve of my departure from home! It's crazy to think how fast this past month has gone by in the flurry of jobs, internships, and family. The reality that, by this time next week, I will already be at Solheimar and will be sleeping my fourth night in Iceland is....unreal.

I am incredibly excited and a little nervous at the same time. There are lots of unknowns (food, people, travel, etc.), but I suppose that's the whole excitement of the journey!

Packing my bags this week has been an interesting experience. My great boyfriend Lincoln is here and has been very helpful in making me prioritize what I bring and what I leave behind. I am a chronic over-packer so it is hard to hear, "Honey, you don't need 27 pairs of Smartwool socks..."

Both of my checked bags need to be under 50 lbs. so the scale is a helpful reminder to me that I don't need to pack everything!

The next few days are as follows: Fri 9/2, leave for Milwaukee. Sat. 9/3 Fly Milwaukee to Boston. Spend the weekend in Boston with Dad, enjoying gelato and walking around the city. Sunday night I will meet my group at the Boston Logan airport before our flight to Keflavik (just south of Reykjavik).

I will post an update soon when I am on Eastern time!

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